Carpentaria Rail

Northern Australia Submission

Carpentaria Rail proposes the Port Carpentaria Railway project, a railway from the North Western minerals province to the Gulf of Carpentaria with a new port on the Gulf.

The Port Carpentaria Railway is a $1.5B project aimed at increasing export productivity and lowering export costs from the North West minerals province in an increasingly competitive global market.

Carpentaria Rail is an alliance between the local aboriginal native title owners and MIEPCO Pty Ltd. As part of the project the company will undertake an extensive ongoing indigenous training and employment program. MIEPCO is undertaking design and feasibility evaluation works to get the project “shovel ready” prior to seeking major project investment.

Our aim is to bring together government and private industry to directly stimulate the four pillars of the North Queensland economy, directly benifiting Resources, Agriculture, Tourism and construction.

This project will directly support the development of the region’s mineral, energy, agricultural, tourism, defence and other industries with enhanced trade and other investment links with the Asia-Pacific. It will address impediments to growth with critical economic and social infrastructure needed to support the long term growth of the region and drive future linkages and infrastructure connections across states and territories.

Report: /pdf/PortCarpentariaRailwayproject3.pdf