Gulf Station Stay Manual 2021
The Station Stay project was commissioned in response to the 2018 Tourism Survey Report project undertaken by GSD, which noted the high demand for station stay accommodation options. The project was recently completed at the end of 2020 and includes a comprehensive “How To” manual aimed to be utilised by station owners to start their own station stay business. The manual covers a wide-range of content including: economic analysis of sector and opportunities as well as data acquisition; case studies from a variety of jurisdictions; planning requirements for different operation types; insurance requirements and related liabilities; licensing and permits; human resources requirements; risk management framework; self-assessment tools; business plan templates; concept designs for different operation types; establishing relationships within the sector; business branding information; advice regarding setting up digital envrionmental/platforms; marketing plans and strategy templates; and business support opportunities. This project has great potential in generating further economic benefits to the tourism industry and directly promotes the diversification of the Gulf’s cattle industry. The station stay manual has now been distributed to key stakeholders and can be found here.
Regional Branding Strategy 2020
In 2018 GSD commissioned the development of the Lower Gulf Marine and Riverine Economic Development Strategy. As per the recommendation of projects that arose from the strategy, it was decided that the Regional Branding Strategy would be explored further. The branding strategy has generated future consideration of work involved in renewing the Gulf Region identity. The Regional Branding Strategy can be found on the GSD website.
Australian Government Small Business Advisory Services Northern Australian Tourism Initiative 2016 – 2019
Under this project, programs by a professional team of consultants were delivered that were provided at low-cost to business operators in the shires of Burke, Carpentaria, Croydon, Doomadgee, Etheridge, Mornington, Mareeba, Tablelands and Kowanyama.
Lower Gulf Marine And Riverine Economic Development Project 2018:
This project involved extensive stakeholder engagement across all of the Gulf Savannah Shires exploring economic development opportunities across the region. The Strategy has revised GSD’s corporate structure, membership and membership deliverables, its engagement as an advocacy platform and has paved the way for a number of projects that will promote business sustainability, diversification in the tourism industry and new business opportunities in the region. It has been the reference and catalyst for many of the recent GSD projects and activity.
Enhancing Digital Resilience and Capability in the Gulf (Feasibility Study) 2018
This project delivered a number of positive outcomes for the region. For example, the feasibility study proved to be crucial for the Carpentaria Shire Council NMT-KMB Fibre Optic Project funding guarantee of $1.74million towards the project. Furthermore, the Burketown and Normanton fibre optic cable design was also supported by the Digital Resilience and Capability Study, contributing to the $15.9 million project which has transformed telecommunications resilience in Burketown, Doomadgee, Normanton, Croydon and Georgetown.
Doomadgee 4G Feasibility Study
This project saw the provision of high-speed broadband, 4G and Wi-Fi to Burketown for the first time. It also became the catalyst in driving more digital investment in the Gulf Region in the future i.e. the Enhancing digital resilience and capability in the gulf feasibility study and subsequently all of the region’s major townships of Burketown, Croydon, Doomadgee, Georgetown, Karumba and Normanton were connected by the end of 2018. The project involved the completion of a feasibility study to determine the most appropriate solution to address the quality of Doomadgee’s 4G mobile coverage. Shortly after the completion of this a new mobile base was installed in Doomadgee to improve mobile coverage at the health facility. The digital investment that came out of this project for the Doomadgee to Burketown fibre optic line was valued at over three million dollars.
Developing the Gulf 2014-16
This project developed collateral and a series of itineraries that align with Education Queensland curriculum requirements for school camps and with the Outback Queensland Education Subsidy Scheme available through Tourism and Events Queensland. The project also assessed the potential for local governments to provide additional support to supplement the existing subsidy provided by the Outback Queensland Education Subsidy Scheme.
Regional Investment and Migration 2010-2012 (three year implementation)
The aim of this project was to attract investment, diversify the Gulf economy and attract migrants to build the labour supply. This also included the development of a strategic approach to investment and migration for employment and small business attraction, as well as a renewable energy investment profile.
Gulf Savannah Skills Survey 2012
This project conducted a skills audit and an expenditure, product demand and satisfaction assessment of visitors to the Gulf Savannah Region
Gilbert River Irrigation Area Crop Trials 2012
This project aimed to facilitate new crop trials along the Gilbert River by stimulating private sector interest and demand. A major outcome of the project was the North Queensland Irrigated Agriculture Strategy, which includes further crop trials.
Gilbert River Infrastructure Investment Profile 2010
The project developed and promoted an investment profile for the proposed Gilbert River Dam Infrastructure.
Other Projects
Gulf Regional Waste Management Strategy 2017
Gulf Savannah Regional Economic Development Strategy 2016 – 2020
Australian Government Small Business Advisory Services (ASBAS) Business Solutions (2015-2018)
Gulf Savannah Tourism Survey 2017
Gulf Savannah Guide (2016)
Gulf Savannah Regional Economic Development Strategy 2015
Gulf Savannah Investment and Liveability Films 2014
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