Sustainable Yields Project

Water in the Gulf of Carpentaria Drainage Division Summary of a report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Northern Australia Sustainable Yields Project

The Northern Australia Sustainable Yields (NASY) Project has assessed the water resources of northern Australia. The project modelled and quantified, within the limits of available data, the changes to water resources under four scenarios: historical climate; recent climate; future climate considering current water use and future climate with potential future water demand.

The project identified regions that may come under increased, or decreased, stress due to climate change and increased water use. The assessments made in this project provide key information for further investigations carried out through the Australian Government’s Northern Australia Water Futures Assessment.

This initiative aims to develop a knowledge base to inform the development and protection of northern Australia’s water resources, so that any development proceeds in an ecologically, culturally and economically sustainable way.

The NASY project was commissioned by the National Water Commission in consultation with the Australian Government Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts. This followed a March 2008 agreement by the Council of Australian Governments to undertake comprehensive scientific assessments of water yield in all major water systems across the country and provide a consistent analytical framework for water policy decisions across the nation. CSIRO is also undertaking assessments in south-west Western Australia and Tasmania. The NASY project was reviewed by a Steering Committee and a Technical Reference Panel. Both include representation from federal and state governments, as well as independent experts.

Report: /pdf/WfHC_NASY_SummaryReport_Gulf_of_Carpentaria_FINAL.pdf
